
Team Refugee

Last Online - Saturday 4th of June 2016
Display Name Luis Escobar
Member Since May 10, 2008
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 2480-1774


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8-31-2010 9:43 am EST
oh and i apologize for for saying something about style crushing with that guy. I looked at you roster and i'm guessing he was mainly a revenge seeker for all the pg guys against your strikers.
8-31-2010 9:40 am EST
are you on the forums at all?
8-31-2010 6:52 am EST
sorry your guy retired man
7-16-2008 4:01 pm EST
i agree man i can't beat him lol
7-13-2008 12:57 pm EST
asking of course
7-12-2008 8:13 pm EST
rematch at reset? bubba
Mike Garrow
Grrows team
7-11-2008 8:38 am EST
Thanks for the tips man!
7-9-2008 2:40 pm EST
No I left GEC to move my fighter along.. he's not gonna progress much beating cans..
Mike Garrow
Grrows team
7-9-2008 5:43 am EST
Bam Bam enjoys helping your stats.....lmao! I'll get you one day my friend.
7-6-2008 7:23 am EST
Yeah, you definitely have a lot more options with your guy because of the sparring sessions. 'Fajita Time' is pretty new so his style selections are limited, I'll beat up a couple guys and we'll fight again :)
7-6-2008 5:28 am EST
My camp is bugged this morning. I PM'd mods on the forums about it. Send the challenge.. the question is - Which 'Fajita Time'?
7-5-2008 7:34 am EST
Congrats man! Don't forget to set the auto renew.lol!
7-4-2008 5:33 pm EST
Hey dude, I'm so sorry, but I move my guy to the EFC to fight to the belt. Sorry this time!
7-4-2008 5:22 pm EST
CHALLENGED!lol Waiting your click! Please don't take my belt away!lol
7-4-2008 3:57 am EST
No problem man! My guy will fight with the ex-champ for the rematch fight. If I win, we will fight for sure
Patches O Houlihan
Average Joes Gym
7-3-2008 6:16 am EST
that's alright, i got a feeling "KO" will be onto big big things in his career, espcially if its a long one, a good 9-11 yrs would be nice.... by year 2 1/2-3 he could be a monster, let alone by year 5 or 6... hmm, all those sparring sessions
Patches O Houlihan
Average Joes Gym
7-3-2008 6:08 am EST
you got nothing lokeyy :) hah, you can't take down "KO" :)
6-28-2008 1:18 pm EST
Too bad dude... Don't you use the auto renew? I always use it. Now my guy is in the ProXC looking forward for a new tilte dispute. Lets see what happens.
6-27-2008 5:53 pm EST
I'm not sure about that... Well so I'll defend the belt one more time and leave the org. Stay tuned anyway.
6-27-2008 5:22 pm EST
Be arround dude because maybe I will vacate the title to fight in the EFC. But only if I can start my 4th star with this win over your guy. See u.
6-27-2008 4:57 pm EST
R u ready for the battle for the MFO's belt against the champ Croyler "Brazilian Cop" Correia?lol. Like I said before, I'm waiting for your challenge for this round now. Good luck, bro.
Solid Corps
6-26-2008 6:13 pm EST
Yo! You've got some crazay fighters dude. Can't wait to get to your level!
Jon Quinton
Ice Shamrock
6-23-2008 8:41 am EST
thanks man, I like your style. Whenever I see a challenge from you, I will accept.
Jon Quinton
Ice Shamrock
6-21-2008 11:59 am EST
Works for me man. Good champs like you is what we need more of.
John Jones
6-21-2008 7:14 am EST
Awesome. Thanks!
Jon Quinton
Ice Shamrock
6-20-2008 12:39 pm EST
Hopefully I can get a shot at Norm in Rio. I have been waiting for a shot from the other champ, but he kept ducking me. Good luck if you accept!
Dutch Style
6-17-2008 9:49 am EST
Yeah Ian retired on the best time possible kinda. Although it always sux losing a good fighter lol.
6-10-2008 5:59 am EST
i hope.. but Jiro is one of the fatties that misses weight alot.. but when he does fight, he wins LOL..