-NO SRs of any kind allowed. Only naturally grown fighters with love and care, the way the game was meant to be played.
-Each alliance submits a roster of 32 legends, seeded however you like from 1-32
-That roster will face off head to head, round robin style vs all the other alliances. You will be paired up against the exact same seed initially, i.e. 1v1, 2v2, 3v3. As soon as a fighter loses, he is dead for the round.
-The round continues until all fighters on 1 side are dead
-1 round is expected to finish every 2-3 resets. This is expected to be a fairly quick event, some fighters on the losing side will have multiple challenges coming in and it is their responsibility to accept the fights in the correct order. Please send your challenges in a timely manner.
-Gold, silver, and bronze will be determined by # of wins. Ties will be settled by a head to head rematch.
-You're allowed to change your entire roster in between matchups, including seeding. However, you only have 2 resets to pm chief your new roster or else we'll start the next match with what you had. Rosters are locked in between rounds.
-NEW FEATURE: You now have 3 chances to revive a dead fighter. Choose a female fighter and the opposing team will challenge her with 3 different fighters of their own. If she beats all 3 in any order, then her team gets 1 revive. If you earn multiple revives, you can't use 2 or 3 on the same fighter. You have 3 attempts total per matchup, but after you use a fighter you can't use her again until the next matchup(this does not apply to the team sending the 3 challenges, as they can use the same 3 every time if they want). List your fighters and complete these fights asap when the round begins. You don't have to use the revives right away when you earn them, but keep in mind they don't carry over to the next matchup. NO SRs btw. Try to make it quick so we don't stall during the final round waiting for these fights to happen.-Rosters due October 19th pm reset (send it to Spidey)
-Event begins October 21st am reset
sfl v dba
tng v thc
sfl v thc
tng v dba
dba v thc
sfl v tng
For example, fighter 1 from tng will face fighter 1 from sfl in the first round. After the first round, only 16 fighters will remain. The next round pairings will be determined by the seeds. We will re-order the rosters from highest to lowest i.e. 2 3 6 8 9 12 13 vs 1 4 5 9 11 15 (2 v 1, 3 v 4, 6 v 5).
Since its almost certain that we will have uneven rosters after the first round, the extra fighters alive for one team after the first round will also challenge the highest to lowest seed. For example, extra fighters seeded 27 29 31 32 will also challenge 1 4 5 9 (27 v 1, 29 v 4). However, the fighters seeded 1 4 5 9 must accept the challenges from the original pairing first (in this case, against 2 3 6 8) and then the extras if they manage to win and survive. If they don't survive, the extra fighters will wait until the next round for their next opponent.
Please PM me if you have any questions or concerns, I don't always pay attention to the SB